My Summer Bucket List

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Can you believe it’s already the first week of June already? Yeah, me either. Where did the time go? Someone please tell me!

As this summer kicks off, I finally get a chance to breathe a little after a long semester of studying and cramming for exams. Who else can relate? I wanted to start this new season off with a bucket list! I’m putting my bucket list out there to the world in hopes that I’ll be more accountable and more motivated to achieve my goals this summer. 

A lot of the items on my bucket list are things that I’ve been wanting to do for a while but have consistently been put on the backburner when it comes to school, work, and this blog. This summer I want to put my happiness first in everything that I do. If it doesn’t bring a smile or bring me joy, then it’s not happening!  Check out my bucket list below and tell me what’s on yours!

Starting this year, I’m going to be sharing my summer bucket list ever year and what I hope to check off this season. I hope to read more, exercise more, and a few other key items. What’s on your bucket list this year? Get the Look: Tank (Exact)| Necklace (Exact)




Travel More in My Area

I talk so much about how I’ve traveled the world, but let’s be real, all of my traveling experiences have been with my parents. I haven’t actually traveled that much in my adult life, and that’s mainly due to cost. But what’s stopping me from enjoying the local beauties around my area? Absolutely nothing! South Carolina is a beautiful state, and I have a few ideas brewing of some things I want to show you all on my journeys.

This summer, I want to travel to Greenville, Hilton Head Island, and Beaufort, all of which are within 3 hours from my home base in Soda City. If my big plans happen, you’ll be seeing some travel guides on the blog soon.

Spend More Time Outside

For most of my summers, I usually end up working 40 hours a week and spending most of my time indoors. Then I spend the remaining time working on my blog or having a social life off-screen. But this summer, I want to make sure I take some time to myself and step outside for a change. I want to take a hike in the mountains, suntan by the pool, and maybe even dig my toes into the ocean. Life is too short for me to be spending most of my time inside so this summer I’m stepping outside and living my best life.

Be More Active

I’ve been super slack on the physical activity department, especially since I started pharmacy school. This summer, I’m dedicated to being more active this summer, whether it be hitting my apartment gym or taking Ava for a walk down the river. I’m not going to be super strict on myself, but I definitely need to create a routine that I can maintain and be more active.

Read At Least 2 Books

I used to love reading as a kid all the way until I graduated high school. Then college happened, and I just never had the same free time as I did in middle school and high school. And when I say I used to love reading, I’m talking I use to read 5-10 books a week on a regular basis. Now there’s no way I can do that anymore, but I’m hoping I can read at least 2 books this summer. Seems pretty attainable to me. I’m going out of town in June for a compounding course so I’m hoping during my travels, I can make some headway on my goal.

Xo Mickie Signature

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