8 Easy Ways to Live a More Eco-Conscious Lifestyle

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This year I’ve really tried to do my best to live a more eco-conscious lifestyle in my day-to-day routine. It’s been a small change here and there that I’ve started to slowly transform my lifestyle to hopefully do my part in saving the planet, one plastic bag and plastic straw at a time.It’s astounding how little people understand that the things that we buy and utilize on a daily basis are actually not that great for us or our environment. I know surprising right?

Unfortunately, we’ve all been taught that these items are normal and safe to use our entire lives. I definitely don’t remember getting taught in school about greenhouse gases (okay maybe a little), BPA, and how destructive plastic can be on our environment. But now that I’ve done a little bit of research of my own (which I encourage you to do so too), I wanted to share with you today a few simple ways that you can start incorporating eco-friendliness into your lifestyle.  

This year I decided to consciously make a decision to live a more eco-conscious lifestyle. By making a few simple changes in my daily routine, I’m able to save the planet a little bit every day by trying to do my part. It doesn’t have to be a radical change at all to make a difference! Read these 8 simple ways that you can start doing today to live a more eco-conscious lifestyle.

This year I decided to consciously make a decision to live a more eco-conscious lifestyle. By making a few simple changes in my daily routine, I’m able to save the planet a little bit every day by trying to do my part. It doesn’t have to be a radical change at all to make a difference! Read these 8 simple ways that you can start doing today to live a more eco-conscious lifestyle.

Use Canvas Bags over Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are notorious for getting blown into the ocean and causing problems for the marine life and other animals in the wild. Even if you throw them on into the trash can, there’s no telling where that 1 plastic bag might land up in a matter of minutes after being thrown out. Instead swap out plastic bags by using reusable canvas bags. I typically get around 5 or 6 in my car so even if I make a quick run to the grocery store on my way home, I’ll always have them with me. Plus they only cost a $1 per bag at your local grocery store and sometimes I even get them for free at different events that I attend around my city.


Shop local farmer markets for groceries

Shopping at your local farmer markets is a super easy way to become more eco-conscious. It takes a lot of fossil fuel to transport and ship the produce that you see in stores that are from multiple different countries and states. Plus by shopping local, you’ll also be supporting local business which is always a plus in my book.


Use glass or wood glasses and bowels, instead of plastic ones

One of the simplest ways that you can live a more eco-conscious lifestyle is to do away with single-use plastic items, like plastic forks, spoons, bags, and plates. Those items easily fill up local landfills and can take up to 1000 years to decompose, which is actually insane! Instead invest in items that you can utilize for years to come. I recently added these white porcelain bowls to my dining collection. They are the perfect size for cereal or salads, but I personally use them to eat my favorite Trader Joe’s ice cream (shhh!). I love the texture on the sides too!


Buy a reusable water bottle and travel coffee mug

Did you know that many of your favorite coffee shops (including Starbucks) will actually give you a discount for using a reusable coffee mug? Talk about a score! If you’re obsessed with coffee or hot drinks, then this change is super simple for you to do. Also, don’t forget about using a reusable water bottle! Whenever I’m running around town, I always carry with me my Starbucks travel cup. I have the matte black one that came out last year. It’s stylish, cute, and keeps my drinks ice-cold throughout the day.  


Recycle, recycle, recycle

Recycling is the easiest way for you to start making a difference. You can easily add a second trash can to your household that is dedicated to plastics and paper. Some cities will even have road side pick-up that make it even easier to recycle without the hassle. But if that’s not an option in your town, you can download the app RecycleNation to find recycling centers in your area, especially for those items that you may not know what to do with such as batteries and electronics.

This year I decided to consciously make a decision to live a more eco-conscious lifestyle. By making a few simple changes in my daily routine, I’m able to save the planet a little bit every day by trying to do my part. It doesn’t have to be a radical change at all to make a difference! Read these 8 simple ways that you can start doing today to live a more eco-conscious lifestyle.


Before you throw out your old clothes, furniture, books, bedding, etc, consider donating it to a local charity or donation center. It’s a simple way to get rid of your items from your home and giving it a second chance in someone else’s (aka bypassing the landfill dilemma). You never know your trash may be another person’s treasure.


Buy Pre-Loved Items

One of the biggest destructive industries to the environment is the textile industry. This industry creates and uses a great deal of water, greenhouses gases, pollution, and chemical run-off. So instead of buying everything new from the store, consider shopping at local thrift stores and second-hand shops for clothing pieces. I’ve found some great gems over the years from thrifting and I’m sure you’ll be able to too if you give it a chance. My mom has even found designer pieces at thrift stores! You just have to know where and how to look for those hidden gems. 

This year I decided to consciously make a decision to live a more eco-conscious lifestyle. By making a few simple changes in my daily routine, I’m able to save the planet a little bit every day by trying to do my part. It doesn’t have to be a radical change at all to make a difference! Read these 8 simple ways that you can start doing today to live a more eco-conscious lifestyle.


Reduce your energy waste

I’m terrible at leaving my computer on all night, usually because I need to charge it overnight. The problem is that if something is plugged in, it’s still using energy regardless of its on or not. The fix for this is that I try to only leave items plugged in if I’m actively using them. Anything else gets unplugged until I need to use it next. Another way to reduce your energy waste is by condensing your laundry schedule to once a week. This way you’re not wasting a full load of energy for a few pieces every couple of days. There are a ton of ways to reduce your energy waste, but those are just a few that I try to do regularly.


What are some other ways that you utilize to live a more eco-conscious lifestyle? Has the transition been easy for you or surprising more difficult that you thought? I hope this post encourages you to make small changes in your routine so hopefully our children will live in a healthy, green world that is full of life.  


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Xo Mickie Signature


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