My Word of the Year + Goals for 2022

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I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to new years resolutions. On one hand, I love dreaming and planning out what I want to accomplish in the new year. On the other hand, sometimes I can plan excessively to the point where I feel disappointed in myself when I don’t accomplish everything on my list.  So Instead of making new years resolutions, I’m choosing a word that I can focus on to help me reach my goals this year.

I started incorporating a word of the year into my lifestyle in 2020, and I’ve found that it really helped set the tone for the entire year. Plus it also served as a gentle reminder to keep pushing towards my overall goal. Last year my word was consistency.


This year my word of the year is “OPENNESS”.

My Word of the Year + Goals for 2022

The word “openness” means a few different things to me, which is why I knew it was the perfect word for me.

  • Freedom
  • Vulnerability
  • Transparency



Over the last few months, I’ve been going to therapy consistently, and I’ve come to realize that I struggle with being vulnerable and open to new – really anything. While I may be an influencer and enjoy displaying my life online, I tend to only post my highlight reel and never really dive deep into what really makes me tick. I don’t share my failures, the journey that I took, and anything that may be hard for me to deal with. This year, I wanted to be more open and share more of myself online with you all. I also want to focus more on living life, meeting new people, and going on more adventures.

Life is a rollercoaster; we can’t celebrate the highs without acknowledging the lows.



Reading – One of my goals this year is to continue my new re-founded love for reading. I started reading for fun again last year, and I can’t believe that I forgot how amazing it feels to dive into a well-written story. My favorite books to read are fantasy (especially!), crime, and romance. My goal is to read 50 books by the end of the year, which I think is going to be totally do-able as I’m a pretty fast reader. Feel free to send over your book recommendations as I need plenty more to add to my list.


Create a routine and “work hours” – Nci can vouch that I spend a lot of time on my blog, social media, and everything that encompasses owning a side hustle. While I tend to hyper fixate on one task at a time, I really want to create a routine and create “work hours” for my blog and social media platforms. It’s so easy to get sucked in and spend hours on social media or other projects that don’t actually help you move the needle forward. This year I want to focus on the tasks that not only provide the most benefit but also helps me reach my other blogging goals.


Prioritizing My Health – Between my high stress job and the pressure that I put on myself, I tend to be a ball of stress and anxiety most of the time. This year, I want to more intentional about prioritizing my health and creating new healthy habits. I’m thinking monthly self care activities (such as massages, facials, etc), incorporating weekly stretches/yoga into my routine, and regular exercise. Those are just some the ideas that I have to help me de-stress and prioritize my health in the new year.


Travel – Since Nci still has plenty of flight hours to get before he can become a commercial pilot, you can expect to see plenty of more adventures this year. I’m still a little stuck on all of the places that I want to travel to, but I’m sure after a few hours of browsing on Pinterest, I’ll find plenty of unique destinations to add to my travel list. We both really enjoy traveling, and we can’t wait to take you along for the ride literally to all of the new destinations.


Being open – Since my word of the year is “openness”, it only makes sense that it’s also one of my goals for the year. I really want to focus this year on being open to new experiences, new friendships, and getting out of my comfort zone, however that may look like. Last year I realized that I wasn’t truly living and that I was scared to let people into my inner circle. While I obviously won’t go through a dramatic change, I do hope that I can expand my capacity and allow myself to enjoy the journey of life, all of the ups and downs.


Do you have a word of the year, and if so, do you mind sharing it in the comments below?

Xo Mickie Signature

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