Issa Rebrand!!

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Uniquely Mickie About MeWho knew writing a “where you’ve been post” would actually be kind of hard, but there’s not a really good definite answer for my absence. I took a break from my blog because I got overwhelmed with my old posting schedule, time management skills, and overall just behind in my school work. I was having a hard time keeping up with my studying while juggling my two part-time jobs, then add on a blog…I was swirling into nothing. I was working harder, not smarter. So instead of rethinking my strategy, I just gave up. I’ve gone through another year getting my life together that I’m ready to come back to Uniquely Mickie and give you the content that you all deserve from me.

2019 is the year of conquering my goals, dreams, and aspirations and one of them is killing it in the blogging game. I wanted to start 2019 off right with a brand-new theme and overall feel for Uniquely Mickie so that you can have the best experience on the website.

Uniquely Mickie is going to continue being a college and pharmacy school blog because hello it’s what takes up the majority of my life. But I do want to expand into more lifestyle topics that truly fuel my soul and are topics that I want to write about. I promise I won’t leave like that again and will definitely let you all in when I need to take a blogging break. This past year has really taught me a lot and I can’t wait to show you everything that I have in store for Uniquely Mickie.

Also I want to give a huge shout out to the design team that helped create most of the blog graphics that you see on my new website….Dream Now Media! Emily and her team have been so helpful in helping me from creating a brand board for inspiration to designing individual pieces that truly fit exactly what I wanted my brand to be. So thank you so so much! If you are looking to rebrand or a graphic designer that is dope, check them out and tell them I sent you😉

Xo Mickie Signature

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